7. Juli 2010

Mission Statement

This blog is for me to write about Felix Mendelssohn and the rest of his family and friends. My main goal is to document my Mendelssohn-related travels around Berlin, Germany- and who knows, maybe as far as Europe but I'll also post thoughts, rants and maybe even some actual information about the family members, friends, etc etc.

For no particular reason I'm also going to go ahead and try to post something at least three times a week over the summer on an actual schedule! Though I reserve the right to make those posts anything from what I saw and did that day to a book I read to a picture I drew. Basically whatever I can come up with that I deem relevant. Which, if you know me, should not be hard at all.

And, as a note about the URL just because I think it's awesome I got it, it's a bit of an injoke. But Paul is luv anyway.

And, finally, a pegasus that really is an in-joke:

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